Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
The tension and squirm-inducing scenarios director Christian Tafdrup is able to squeeze out of this premise is impressive. Recensie
While I could see this film being less effective upon second viewing, the mood piece that is Skinamarink is designed to get under your skin. It got deep under mine — etched its way below the surface and then started scratching. Recensie
The hokey hard-boiled dialogue. The lack of a compelling story line. The belabored final set piece, burdened by a flashback structure that reveals an inconsequential and uninteresting twist. Recensie
Deadstream is a horror comedy that does a good job parodying the annoying, opportunistic online creators who stage reckless and exploitative stunts for a quick buck. Recensie
This ultimately left the last act of the film somewhat wanting, as I found myself searching for depth in a character who had become flattened into an archetype. Recensie
With gorgeous animation and a heartfelt story, The Girl From the Other Side is brimming with color and emotion. Recensie
Give Me Pity uses its abstract qualities to create a disquieting tension, allowing von Haselberg’s performance to slowly crescendo into debilitating mental anguish. Recensie
It doesn’t all hang together cohesively, but individual moments are interesting tonally, and the performances are consistently good. Recensie
The film is not perfect. The second act lags, and overall entertainment value hinges on how one takes to the campy tone. But it is hard to deny that the film is visually impressive. Plus, the score kicks ass. Recensie
The ending of Please Baby Please feels like a true ending. A statement of intent. An emotion put to music as good as any musical could do it. I’m enamored with it. I’m enamored with Please Baby Please. Recensie
I preferred this crime mystery to the horror set pieces, which are few and far between and pretty standard fare for a low-budget ’70s horror film. Perhaps one does not work without the other, but King’s manic performance and Lieberman’s clever use of scene transitions propel the mystery forward better than how the film utilizes the horror elements. Recensie
There is something to the way the flashback sequences are shot that is queasy yet aesthetically pleasing. Not to mention Simon Yam’s excessively dialed up performance as the killer, which really makes the film. All in all, though, the tone did not sit right with me. Recensie
The unique world De la Iglesia creates for Mutant Action is undercut by these final two acts, leaving me with little to chew on as I watch unseemly characters doing unseemly things. Recensie
The film is lightly charming but also somewhat tedious and repetitive. In any case, it is certainly the most heartfelt film about misplaced genitalia I’ve ever seen. And that is about the most ringing endorsement I can give for this odd little film. Recensie
When the two styles meet in the second half of the film, the result is fairly electric fight choreography. Recensie
Veronique Jadin’s film is adequately humorous, but its increasing lunacy grows somewhat tiresome. Recensie
For all of its conventionality, Special Delivery is nevertheless entertaining. Well-paced and exciting in spurts, it makes good use of reliable tropes for an experience that flies by. And the first extended driving sequence is a wonderfully staged set piece. Recensie
Swallowed blends dialed down body horror into a crime thriller story. Taking place in a handful of spare locations, the film feels adequately claustrophobic as it slowly winds to a dark second half. Recensie
Stafiej has produced a formally dynamic film worth considering. Recensie
The Witch: Part 2 is not as cohesive as one would hope from a sequel to the much loved The Witch. But on a technical level, it surpassed my expectations, leading to some great sequences. Recensie
The problem with Crimes of the Future is not depravity; it is the lack of a cogent follow-through on its shock value. For all of its incisions, it just doesn’t cut very deep. Recensie
It’s all been done before. But it is executed cleanly and convinces you to invest in the characters just as Sugarman invests in Cruz. Recensie
But Maverick cannot carry the film that shares his name on his own. The plot really needs other characters to step into the forefront, and the script calls on two or three to do just that. And it really doesn’t work for me. Recensie
Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers is a light bit of entertainment with enough clever moments to keep it afloat through a manageable runtime. In other words, it’s harmless fun. Recensie
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