Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeremie heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Cinema Smack.
Aantal filmrecensies: 460 / 460
Isn’t quite as good as its predecessor, it’s still, for lack of a better term, simply awesome. Recensie
Isn’t the quintessential Batman film it could’ve been, but it’s still an enjoyable adventure. Recensie
While initial intrigue will get fans to the theater, don’t expect many people to remember or care about Rings. Recensie
An intriguing but unnerving watch. Recensie
McAvoy's performance is more than enough reason to see the film. Recensie
It’s a buddy picture with a grim story, nuanced performances, and excellent technical qualities. Recensie
Technically speaking, it’s very sound. The same can’t be said for the plot, pacing, or Affleck’s acting. Recensie
It has all of the best things about the Coen brothers' work crafted by their quirky, self-indulgent, one-of-a-kind style. Recensie
Simply a pitiful cash grab for a franchise that should’ve died years ago. Recensie
McAvoy’s performance is astounding as he goes from evil to sympathetic, joyous to morose. Recensie
Humorous, entertaining, well acted, and has a positive message. Recensie
A good launching point for the series. Recensie
The plot is rock solid, the action is great, and it adds another piece to the massive Star Wars puzzle. Recensie
With solid performances and a strong plot it’s worth at least a watch for fans of romance or historical dramas. Recensie
Lackluster characters and a flat storyline hold this film hostage. Recensie
The ending is mind-numbing and there isn’t much to like about this film in general. Recensie
Not perfect but it does still have an appeal. Recensie
Feels like an obligatory introduction to a character that’s larger purpose is yet to come. Recensie
A nostalgic trip back to the days of the 1960’s television show but it’s also a spoof of itself. Recensie
Stuffed full of action, comedy and bodily fluids. Recensie
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