Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeremie heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Cinema Smack.
Aantal filmrecensies: 460 / 460
Pretending I’m a Superman is an excellent documentary and a welcome dose of warm sentiment for a beloved series. Recensie
Its nightmarish and claustrophobic setting will have viewers on edge while the performances, especially from Nick Young, keep you invested. Recensie
Technically, it’s a great piece of cinema and there’s so much to digest and explore especially when it comes to Diego’s metaphorical dance with death. Yet, it leaves you a bit hollow as it feels like a film that just wasn’t completely polished by the time it was released. Recensie
It’s an absolute treat from start to finish. The film noir aesthetic, amazing cast, and nonstop laughs make the film a must watch especially for fans of dry comedy. Recensie
While She Dies Tomorrow doesn’t leave as lasting of an impression as some of our favorite films of this strange year, Amy Seimetz still displays a ton of artistic merit and deliberation in her sophomore feature. Recensie
It’s an entertaining tale of God, sex, and high school that’s as awkward and absurd as it is comical. Recensie
Even though Dead Dicks has a few issues with its tone, everything here is really, really good. Recensie
Despite its slight foray into generalizing men, Ad Meliora is a necessary and empowering piece of short cinema. Recensie
Reel Redemption may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it’s far more impressive than most will expect at first glance. Tyler Smith’s approach to this “visual essay” is mostly unbiased, fair, and even self reflective. Recensie
Even though it’s tonally inconsistent, Two Ways to Go West is still a film with merit. Director Ryan Brookhart spearheads a well made production while screenwriter/co-star James Liddell pens an emotional script with some firm moral ground. Recensie
The characters, bolstered by a good cast, need to be more fleshed out and provided with more logical scenarios. Recensie
Parallax is a constant enigma in which viewers will always be longing to see how deep the proverbial rabbit hole goes. Recensie
As we previously mentioned, Relic isn’t your typical horror flick and it proves that over and over. Like 2018’s Hereditary, Relic is one of those films that’s a little hard to rank at first. Recensie
Minor nitpicks aside, there’s a whole lot to like about Homewrecker. “Quirky” and “weird” are probably the two best adjectives to describe the film as a whole with “funny” coming to mind after that. Recensie
Shirley is going to get away with an overall positive score but most of that has to do with Elisabeth Moss and the rest of the cast. The film is technically sound as well but the story and its structure are all over the place. Recensie
When the film gets good, it gets really good and leaves you emotionally spent by the time the credits roll. Recensie
With Disclosure, Bentham crafts a troublesome and sobering tale of parenting gone wrong. Recensie
While it’s definitely quirky and has some independent limitations, Solis delivers a fun critique on a hostile and maddening business. Recensie
The tale is a heartwarming one about a seemingly lost soul discovering who she is while finding friendship and family in the process. There are enough laughs with awkward interactions and timely comedic edits to keep the tone light while tackling some heavy issues. Recensie
While it’s no typical film by any means as there’s no story to follow or characters to root for, Yesteryear remains a superb personal project from Chris Esper. It’s an awesome time capsule of a film that captures humanity at its best and brings up fond memories of those “simpler times.”... Recensie
Mark Jackson tries to do a little too much with This Teacher and, in turn, ends up with a film that confuses more than critiques. Recensie
Even with some of its issues, Da 5 Bloods is Spike Lee producing in his own unique way and at a very high level even after all this time. Recensie
Callum Windsor crafts an excellent short film that would trump most features of this kind. The story is very intriguing and provides a nice twist on Goethe’s original poem. Recensie
Though The Dinner Party isn’t the easiest watch for horror fans, those that stick with it will likely be satisfied by the blood splattered final product. Recensie
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