These are all the movies and series that Eric has reviewed. Read more at: The Movie Waffler.
Number of movie reviews: 2288 / 2288
He may be working within his comfort zone here, but Schrader's idea of comfort is still more disruptive than most American filmmakers working today, and of the Movie Brat generation filmmakers, he's arguably the one who's done the most interesting work in the past decade. Review
If there's little in the way of profound political insight on offer here, there are at least a couple of very entertaining performances from Marmaï and particularly Tedeschi, hilariously embodying the sort of angry woman destined to find her way onto the internet as the Karen of the day at some point. Review
Larrain's film keeps an open mind about its protagonist, but it's truly enamoured of the young woman she's portrayed by. Review
If Audiard occasionally fluffs his lines in a genre he seems ill-suited to here, visually he certainly keeps things interesting. With its bland and brutal architecture, the titular setting is an unconventional one for a romantic comedy, but Audiard and cinematographer Paul Guilhaume manage to find a beauty in the straight lines and sharp edges of the sort of tower blocks usually coded as dangerous in French cinema. Review
Sadly, such sequences are few and far between here, and whenever we're stuck in modern day London it's shot with the blandness of an episode of Hollyoaks, with writing to match. Review
Given its favouring of character over action, Azor relies heavily on the strength of its cast. The quiet Rongione, who has something of Truffaut about him, is a perfect foil for the larger than life Argentinian character actors he's pitted against. Review
Along with telling her story in confident visual terms, Hall has mined a pair of equally stunning, but very different performances from her leading ladies. Review
Shepherd establishes Owen as someone who understands how to craft a horror movie, but there's little here that fans of the genre will find fresh or novel. Review
It's strongest in its first half as we grow accustomed to Herbert's fascinating setting and political dynamics. When the big action scene does arrive it gets in and out without a fuss, unlike say the Marvel movies, which drag their dull set-pieces out to an interminable length. Review
Carpenter has always been (unfairly) dismissive of his script for 1981's Halloween 2, claiming he wrote it while drunk on beer. What's Green's excuse? Review
But for all its genre interrogation and visual style, it's the central performances of Poelvoorde and rising star Bellugi that keep us invested... Review
It feels churlish to be so down on a movie that is so lovingly crafted, but for all its visual splendour (and I can't stress enough how visually splendid this film is), The French Dispatch rarely reels you in emotionally. Review
The Beta Test doesn't always work, with the storytelling a little too chaotic and unfocussed at times. But you don’t really watch a Jim Cummings movie for its story. You watch it for his unique screen presence, which keeps you gripped throughout, hanging on his characters' every word. Review
There's much to admire from a technical filmmaking viewpoint here, and it's a reminder that we'll miss the likes of Scott when they're gone. There are also some very entertaining moments. But amid all this the central drama of a woman's violation and her husband's narcissistic reaction gets lost in the blood and mud. Review
With Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, Hamaguchi gives us two great dramatic sketches and one quite satisfying one. But what's great about all three is that they leave us wondering where their protagonists will go from here. The great movie characters continue to exist once the credits roll, something that occurs not once but three times within the two hours of Hamaguchi's film. Review
No Time to Die isn't the best movie of the Craig era, but it's the first one to stir my long suppressed childhood fondness for the series. Review
Barrett has a lot of fun transplanting a very masculine genre into a world of teenage girls, and frankly, I'd rather face a pistol-packing bandit over an angry 17-year-old girl any day. Review
It's beautifully crafted and in no rush to get to the end of its journey, but it's essentially a craft beer Krull. Review
Yes, this plucky feature length debut is occasionally a bit ropey, and not quite as cute as it aspires to be, but in its sincere invocation of teen-drama you may well find a little something in your eye as this holiday comes to a close. Review
What I did notice is how inferior Fuqua's visual storytelling is compared to Möller's. While both versions of The Guilty are heavily reliant on dialogue, the Danish director still found ways to heighten the tension visually, with some nerve-wracking moments where the protagonist's finger hovers over buttons that are notably absent here. Review
Prisoners of the Ghostland plays like a movie that's been purposely assembled in the hopes of one day being declared a cult favourite. That's a misguided way to make a movie, as filmmakers can't make cult movies, only audiences can. Review
Johnny Guitar himself is the first to arrive, but within minutes we realise that if we've come for his music, we're staying for Vienna and Emma's sparring. Review
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