Dit zijn alle films en series die Eric heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: The Movie Waffler.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2313 / 2313
There's enough in Tracks to satisfy nature lovers but its narrative becomes repetitive as Curran struggles for an angle beyond trite sub Paulo Coelho philosophizing and childhood flashbacks. One can only imagine how great this could have been in the hands of a Terence Malick or Peter Weir. Recensie
Adapting a comic book created by his wife, Coco, Moodysson has given us arguably the most enjoyable movie ever made about childhood, and certainly the most honest. Recensie
If you like your superhero movies dark and brooding, TAS2 isn't for you. If, however, you prefer the light but substantial tone of Richard Donner's Superman, you'll have a blast with this one. Recensie
The laziest film-makers simply use a loud noise, something Pogue is guilty of countless times throughout his tension free film. Recensie
Sutherland takes the Billy Zane role of the rich cad and his deliciously camp performance makes for the film's few entertaining moments. He alone seems to understand how ridiculous the whole affair is. Had Pompeii been entirely fashioned in the spirit of Sutherland's approach we'd have a far more entertaining movie than the one we're presented with here. Recensie
While Irish audiences ate up the humour of The Guard I doubt McDonagh’s latest will be received so warmly, as it’s quite the hatchet job. Recensie
Much of what works about the film is down to its impressively assembled cast, particularly Olivia Williams as a Ripley-esque bitchy scientist who cares more about her research than the well-being of her crew. Recensie
It's never dull, and how many recent big budget Hollywood movies can you say that about? Recensie
Brosnan and Thompson turned out quality work last year in Love is All You Need and Saving Mr Banks respectively, which makes it all the more irritating that they should settle for utter tosh like this. Recensie
Starting off as a sort of sub Woody Allen comedy of self-deprecation, Ayoade's film is quite humorous, even if the gags aren't particularly fresh, but when things take a darker turn in the movie's second half, Ayoade seems less comfortable with the material, allowing the story to ultimately fade away like a reflection in the mirror of a steamed up bathroom. Recensie
The Raid 2 is a technical marvel and certainly intense, but intensity without humor leads to drabness; just ask Hitchcock the value of tension-relieving comedy, or Spielberg, whose outwardly morose Schindler's List contains some downright hilarious moments of black comedy. Recensie
It's the script that ultimately renders Divergent a disaster, written as it is like the first three episodes of a sci-fi TV show (and a Canadian sci-fi TV show at that) rather than a standalone movie. Recensie
For all its technical virtuosity, particularly in the sound design department, it's the film's two leads that leave the greatest impression. Recensie
It's bad enough that we don't give two hoots about the characters involved but the set-pieces are as bland as they come. The Russo brothers are completely out of their depth working on this scale, having previously directed a variety of sitcoms and the 2006 comedy You, Me & Dupree. Recensie
Labor Day is a serious mis-step and the result is one of the most unintentionally hilarious films a major director has given us in quite some time. Recensie
The film's approach is reductive in a manner that will alienate music fans who know the reality behind these stories. Recensie
Whenever Ealy and Bryant are onscreen, the movie is a success, an insightful look at the struggles of maintaining a relationship, but when Hart and Hall appear we're back in Stepin Fetchit territory, derailing the entire movie in the process. Recensie
If you're a cynic, or a film snob, Muppets Most Wanted may not be what you want, but if you try it sometime, you just might find, it's exactly what you need. Recensie
Unless you have a vested interest in the world of high fashion, Yves Saint Laurent is a dull, by the numbers biopic that fails to convince us of its subject's worth. Recensie
The problem is Gilliam neglects to wrap his theme in anything resembling entertainment. Recensie
The movie got progressively worse and sank me into the sort of deep funk that Michael Haneke can only dream of inflicting on his audience. Recensie
It's a film with a lot of charm, set against one of the planet's most visually splendid backdrops. Recensie
All that said, the film is never dull and the rapid pacing paints over the plot's damp patches enough to get you through its running time. Recensie
I'm not saying a buddy cop movie has to rely on foul language and hard hitting violence. With a great script and top notch performances, this template can survive in the PG-13 world. Ride Along, however, has neither of these required elements and badly needs an extra bit of edginess to paper over its cracks. Recensie
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