Dit zijn alle films en series die Hope heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1032 / 1032
Between the sloppy structure and some sophomoric comedy, even the brightest and wildest moments can be overlooked. The weaknesses pile up and by the end clear Porno feels like a near miss. Recensie
Too bad Howard, working from a screenplay by Vanessa Taylor, can’t find that heartbeat. Recensie
Sound of Metal is a powerful experiment and a star turn for a talented actor. Recensie
It looks good, although nothing about the direction seems inspired. Instead the film delivers a competently made, by-the-numbers historical recreation when it could have been art. Recensie
The Giant’s beauty lies not only in Raboy’s intriguing framing and pacing—so thick you feel as if you’re hallucinating—but in the lead performances. Recensie
Dirty God—a film about self-image and the unfair reality of limitations—makes other “coming of age” style films feel like soft drink ads. Recensie
Lee doesn’t try to answer every question he raises or resolve every conflict he presents. Instead, he brings us into a story of outsiders trying to define their own realities, however limited they may have to be. Recensie
Their honesty gives every scene an extra punch—of laughter or heartbreak. Coming of age still looks like it seriously sucks, but Dating Amber is a keeper. Recensie
Lawrance works valiantly against a script that frustrates you with its lazy plotting of constant near-escape and recapture. Recensie
It’s not well developed, unfortunately. But there is something akin to swagger in watching this mid-budget action thriller wrangle Norway’s own mythology away from a far showier, exponentially more famous universe. Recensie
TD&TW has the long, slow, debilitating experience of parental illness on its mind. Like that film, this movie has a deeply aching center that makes the horror in the house as tragic as it is scary, and more horrifyingly, somehow inevitable. Recensie
Characters are fun and performances are strong. Nicholas Galitzine is especially delightful in what amounts to a dual role. He’s equally convincing in each. Lovie Simone, Zoey Luna and Gideon Adlon round out the coven, and they are as adorable as Lily. They just really need more to do. Recensie
The story is tight, if highly borrowed, and the action scenes are plentiful. Compare it with nearly every other zombie film to come out in the last two decades and it’s a creepy way to spend a couple of hours. Compare it to Yeon’s last two movies, though, and it comes up lacking. Recensie
The filmmaker’s strength is certainly more in staging and effects than it is in writing, however. Recensie
His pacing, framing, use of color and light all give the film its own swagger, though, and whether you guess where it’s all headed or you don’t, you’re bound to remain interested. Recensie
Synchronic is clever, to be sure, and at times quite touching. But for filmmakers who’ve until now positively dripped with inspiration, it feels like a step backward. Recensie
32 Malasaña Street sets complicated characters in motion within a familiar world. It just doesn’t use them to tell us anything new. Recensie
It’s hardly an uncommon cinematic concept, but thanks to a beautiful picture and a stunning central performance, it still commands attention. Recensie
But with Chicago 7, Sorkin’s struck a balance. He’s found a story and convened a cast that demand and receive his very best, because The Trial of the Chicago 7 is a story about today, this minute. Recensie
There isn’t a weak short in the bunch, and though certainly some of the twists are not surprising, the execution is slick, the shorts are gorgeous and moody, and Clancy Brown is an absolute treat. Recensie
Darkly funny and boasting outstanding soundtrack choices, Boo is a wicked good time. Recensie
On the Rocks is too tidy and too slick to entirely stand up to that comparison, but like Lost in Translation, there’s an autobiographical quality to the film that gives it a soul. Recensie
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