Dit zijn alle films en series die George heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 738 / 738
A breathtaking ride that rewards the effort it demands... Recensie
There’s no sharp wit, satire or subtlety here, just sitcom humor and fluffy romance dressed up in period costumes. Recensie
Calls to mind past cruelty, an Orwellian present and an uncertain future, emerging as essential, soul-shaking viewing. Recensie
Provides plenty of fun, mixing tongue in check nods to the sci-fi genre with frenetic action... Recensie
She makes a shallow, obnoxious character so completely human you can’t bring yourself to hate her. Recensie
A thoroughly enjoyable take on the power of music, and much like a Springsteen show, offers a lengthy encore. Recensie
Carey may have been trying too hard the first time. Recensie
Clever one liners give way to all-out comedy routines while bullets fly and rockets launch. Recensie
Its light, but there’s ironic fun to be had, and a pair of fine performances to appreciate. Recensie
It’s all so trite and obvious, from the environmental scolding to the boy yelling in the wilderness for his father to believe in him. Recensie
Ariel Vroman gives Shannon a sharp, edgy script and surrounds him with an excellent supporting cast... Recensie
There are slow spots, to be sure, but there are laughs as well, maybe just enough to erase that bad hangover from part 2. Recensie
The possibilities are there, but Bay doesn’t do nuance. Recensie
For a while, the substance keeps pace with the style, but it’s slowly bogged down by a script that ultimately can’t deliver... Recensie
Just enough silly narrative and sophomoric exposition to keep things moving from one scene of extreme bloodless violence to the next. Recensie
A fascinating, informative, and often frustrating take on the complex state of world affairs. Recensie
There certainly are action sequences, but Snitch works best when Waugh dials it down to focus on smaller moments. Recensie
There may have been an acceptable action flick at the heart of Skip Woods’s script, but director Jon Moore buries it under misguided pacing and wretched excess. Recensie
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