Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 881 / 881
It’s all crushingly mediocre, and if I can remember any of it after three months, I’ll be very unlucky indeed! Recensie
The film occasionally makes you cringe, with some dreadfully (and deliberately) naff songs, but I enjoyed it and for the right audience (kids 8 to 12) I think they’ll have a blast. Recensie
This feels like a slightly flawed masterpiece. Tarantino’s Mona Lisa with a few accidental smudges. Recensie
If you loved Alfonso Cuarón's Roma, I think you’ll also love this. This is a movie that has stuck with me since I saw it. Recensie
For me, the word that keeps floating to the top of these live action remakes is “pointless”. I can’t say I was horrified by this one, because I wasn’t. It was majestic, entertaining, technically superb and certainly had its moments. Recensie
It’s a masterpiece, and cements itself firmly in my films of the year list. Recensie
It’s a heady mix of criminality, justice, revenge and atonement... Recensie
Made by Sophie Hyde it’s an interesting and well made film. As such, I don’t want to give it a savage rating. Many may enjoy it. I personally didn’t... Recensie
This is a great summer popcorn movie, enormously entertaining, helped along by a superb soundtrack by Michael Giacchino. Recensie
This is a small but beautifully crafted film that kept me enthralled. I’m not sure it necessarily needed the bees but as a simple tale of prejudice in a small community it was well told and delivered the goods. Recensie
This is a film that deserves to be seen at the cinema, and on as big a screen as you can manage to find. Recensie
And the film delights with its modern day recreations of the classic tracks and, as already mentioned, Himesh Patel belts them out wonderfully. Recensie
I found this an interesting story, but the ending a bit of a damp squib. What might have been barn-storming finale just ends up as a barn-dripping one (arf!). Recensie
My recommendation would be to skip this one, and catch one of the originals on streaming somewhere. Recensie
It’s a solid and entertaining night out at the movies: seeing Dame Emma Thompson strutting her stuff is good value for any movie dollar. Recensie
It’s a perfectly fun way to spend a couple of hours at the cinema, and for kids, particularly those without the reference of the Disney original, will probably love it. Recensie
It’s not quite perfection: for me, its story stretches credibility in some places. But it still deserves to be a big hit. I think it will be. Recensie
How long will it be before I see another music biopic this good? I think it’s gonna be a long long time… Recensie
Overall, this is not a truly terrible movie as a piece of popcorn escape entertainment, but it really could and should have been a whole lot sharper. Recensie
But as a cinematic spectacle, for me, it delivered on its billing as a blockbuster finale, but one filled with a degree of nuance I was not expecting. Recensie
Although possibly causing offence to some, this is a fine example of a US comedy that delivers consistent laughs. Recensie
It’s clearly been a long overdue hit for DC, and on the whole I enjoyed it. If the film had been a bit tighter, this would have had the potential to be a classic. Recensie
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