Dit zijn alle films en series die Don heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Every Movie Has a Lesson.
Aantal filmrecensies: 703 / 703
Unflashy and never acting with imitation or caricature, this is a superb and revealing film debut for the young actor. Recensie
Michael Fassbender is a compelling lead playing a father with his own daddy issues... Recensie
A tremendously serious and heartfelt film... Recensie
This story deserved more of a scintillating and honorable documentary treatment than another action vehicle for a star with no variety. Recensie
The core of the weakness unfortunately lies in Ben Affleck’s lead character, an unconvincing and poorly romanticized criminal character. Recensie
A crushingly moving and respectful experience for true believers and rightfully so. Recensie
These female stories are more than worthy to be told and a justified crowd-pleaser. Recensie
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