These are all the movies and series that Ulkar has reviewed. Read more at: Movie Moves Me.
Number of movie reviews: 1692 / 1692
Mope is shockingly real. It’s so captivating that I could not believe the entire cast was based on real actors. Review
We Are Little Zombies is like a love letter to this life, or to those who do not believe in the ability to feel, experience, and continue their quest through the arc until light is seen. Review
Direction, cinematography, dark tones, mesmerizing performances, and even the score will put Berlinger’s film on the pedestal of the serial killer genre in a way that it will take decades to beat it. Review
There is a lot not adding up to the storyline and maybe it should not. Review
It’s kind of predictable and in some cases, the storyline makes no sense. Despite all those gaps and holes in the script, the film survives on its own by keeping the audience’s attention from time to time. Review
As the film tries to explain the true meaning of love, how it ever overcomes wrongdoings and is blind to prejudices, the film fails to explain a lot. Review
Clemency falls short of delivering its point. There are a lot of things not adding up. Review
Ut his pure simplicity and honesty turns into an interesting watch as we follow the protagonist character who must take the big step toward with certainty which, when we met him earlier, he clearly lacked. Review
Instead of giving away details of his discoveries, I will leave it up to you join him and follow his fascinating, thought-provoking investigation which I am sure will leave you shaken to the core afterwards. Review
Little Monster wins in many aspects, but one of them is the screenplay and the lines the actors deliver so flawlessly. Review
The Infiltrators is a thought-provoking and extremely powerful documentary film that revolves around the member of the National Immigrant Youth Alliance purely created by the Dreamers, or, the undocumented immigrants of US. Review
The Prodigy is not that bad, or as some might say, awful. It’s a surprisingly fun movie to watch if you leave all the negative sides of it aside. Review
Arctic offers a simple story of dramatic survival, human dignity, and the importance of not losing one’s mind during an unforeseen but extremely difficult situation. Review
The movie itself is funny, easygoing, educational, and will bring a smile to your face throughout. Review
The Wolf Hour is a slow paced psychological thriller with an exceptionally written character that allows Naomi Watts to shine throughout. Review
It’s ridiculously funny, easygoing comedy with loads of intelligent lines trust me you’re gonna love from start to end. Review
This is an excellent and full-of-fun biography sport drama that has reserved a big gift for viewers that must be unwrapped during the screening. Review
The Report is a powerful political thriller that reminds people that not every country can conduct such investigations, to work on such a crucial report, and go against the government. Review
Relive is an interesting suspenseful thriller that tries to find something new in an already overused concept. Review
Corporate Animals is a goofy horror comedy you will have plenty of reasons to have fun throughout. Review
Queen of Hearts is a bold and provocative film that revolves around a complex and truly troubling story. Review
Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Octavia Spencer and Kelvin Harrison Jr. deliver the most shockingly scary performances as they dive into such complex characters that had so many things to tell. Review
Official Secrets is a very important political thriller that goes deep into Katharine’s choices. Screenplay written by Gregory and Sara Bernstein allows Keira Knightley to deliver an enjoyable performance that will carry you smoothly throughout the film. Review
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