Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
Gustav Möller paints a horrific dark picture of family greed, murder and the lack of interest from police that follows one rule – no body no crime. Recensie
With an important subject matter, the film gets distracted by too many unnecessary dialogues and scenes that do not add value to the storyline. Recensie
Call Jane is a remarkable story of an ordinary suburb housewife, Joy , who, after her second pregnancy, gets a rare condition that is most likely to kill her before she gives birth to the child. Recensie
This is why Noomi Rapace was a great choice to portray the richly written character. She embodies Lizzie. Recensie
It is not that type of film you can blame actors for the total failure. Believe me, they simply dance, smile and do everything possible to please you throughout. Recensie
Don’t Look Up is a great comedy that offers a mirror reflection of the Covid pandemic, pretty much, showing us where we are right now due to the lack of interest in fighting against the global virus by the previous administration. Recensie
From start to end, Sing 2 does not disappoint. It’s funny, sad, entertaining and a thrilling piece the entire family will enjoy the most. Recensie
That being said, Olivia Colman as the troubled Leda is outstanding. Dakota Johnson delivers one of her best performances... Recensie
No Time to Die is the most interesting installment of our favorite British agent. Recensie
It’s too intelligent, too good, and, frankly, test every audience and challenges them to the fullest. Recensie
The Unforgivable is an impressive film with a good story and powerful performance from Sandra Bullock. Recensie
But apart from the stellar performances, it’s the technicality of the film that is so strong, you can hardly find something else that beats it. The visual effects, cinematography, editing and direction are top level. Recensie
The level of detail shown in Ailey is stunning. Mesmerizing archival footage and the full display of Ailey’s dancing skills or choreography is like a well-scripted film that gets better and better as the documentary progresses. Recensie
A stellar cast, led by Adam Driver, Lady Gaga, Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, an unrecognizable Jared Leto and many more, House of Gucci may not be able to save the messy storyline, but you can tell they had lots of fun making it. Recensie
That being said, Radu Jude’s piece is raw, brave and thought-provoking. Recensie
The well-directed and solid script creates plenty of opportunities for actors to shine, but the main stage belongs to Will Smith, who grabs the opportunity and never lets it go. Recensie
Finch is a tender story of human relationship with a Robot that must learn to care as if it was a human being. Recensie
Red Notice never appeared smart or logical. And once the film starts, it promises nothing more but goofiness. But that’s alright though. It’s indeed a popcorn movie that delivers tons of fun, great chemistry between the lead cast, and Gal Gadot, who knows how to play with her counterpart and fool them as much as she wants. Recensie
Don’t get me wrong. Nobody expects perfection from any film. Especially from the new version of Home Alone. But it has to at least have a compelling storyline, the right characters and a great script that would make the characters thrive. Recensie
The chemistry between Margaret Qualley and Andie Macdowell was so brilliant, they could have been mother and daughter in real life. Recensie
I can go on and on about the importance of the storyline in Lindsay Gossling’s film. It’s not a film of scale you are used to seeing from Hollywood, but it has a big heart and good intention that concentrates on moments of despair rather than on what the tornado may do. Recensie
The Electrical Life of Louis Waine perfectly recreates the Victorian era where the costumes and amazing make-up turn this film into an absolute joy to watch. At times funny, hilarious, goofy and intelligent, the film has all the right ingredients to make it stunningly attractive. Recensie
The French Dispatch is an illustration of the creative power of the mind and rich imagination. Wes Anderson outdoes himself with his tenth feature film by creating a masterpiece. Recensie
Halloween Kills is another worthy installment that will make you wonder how, after such a high toll of people killed, Haddonfield still doesn’t have someone to go against Myers’ knife. Recensie
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