Dit zijn alle films en series die Victor heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Dirty Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1064 / 1064
However The List of Those Who Love Me lacks a certain je ne sais quoi. While Yilmaz often gets smacked and battered, the script does nor deliver any punches. Recensie
Two Spanish girls contemplate a suicide pact as they grapple with the malaises of adolescence, in this tender and realistic drama. Recensie
Defector of Stalin's barbaric secret police seeks forgiveness from the family members of the people he executed, in this very bizarre political fable. Recensie
The splendid cinematography combined with ghostly, sinister sound engineering make A Vanishing Fog a hypnotic experience. Recensie
Biopic of one of Kazakhstan's greatest poets is imbued with sadness, lyricism and stunning imagery. Recensie
Filmmaker seek to reconcile with her past dalliances in this highly confessional and inventive blend of fiction and documentary. Recensie
Some of the imagery is potent and compelling, however devoid of any apparent message. The outcome is post-apocalyptic movie with a few dramatic and thriller devices, however without anything relevant to say. Recensie
Homophobia reveals its ferocious and bestial face, in this punch-in-the-face Belgian real-life drama that will stay with you for a long time. Recensie
A frustrated actor has more secrets in store than anyone could have anticipated, in this very bizarre and bewitching Dutch-Belgian production. Recensie
Chinese and Japanese sensibilities blend seamlessly, in this quiet and lyrical drama set in Yoko Ono's birth place. Recensie
Director Christopher Amos is Australian-born and British, just like his film subject. He combines a very extensive amount of archive footage with intimate talking heads of Peter and those who know him. Some love him, some hate him. Some love and hate him, both at once. Recensie
Belgian voyeuristic thriller excels in cinematography, while also slipping into worn-out cliches of women and mental illness. Recensie
Joanna Hogg continues her highly autobiographical meditation on filmmaking and grief to outstanding results. Recensie
Unimaginative Spanish gangster thriller boasts a very large budget and very little edge. Recensie
Food becomes a proxy for the French Revolution, in this tasty and easily-digestible drama. Recensie
Yugonostalgia through in eyes of the East: Chinese filmmaker investigates how to safely store collective memory. Recensie
Francois Ozon's new film about medically assisted suicide is quietly tragic and moving. Recensie
Binoche delivers a very convincing performance as a character who acts (pretends to be someone else). Recensie
Exquisite blend of fiction and documentary peeks into the lives of inspiring Spanish teens, and it has a refreshing message of hope. Recensie
This is a very effective tearjerker. And as such it made my eyes very wet, particularly as Tammy urged her viewers to embrace openly gay HIV patient, and sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic after a 10-year hiatus following her husband’s imprisonment. Glory, glory hallelujah. Tammy’s truth is marching on. Recensie
There is also one thematic shortcoming. Despite recognising that we have been losing the war on drugs for more than 40 years, Undercover never questions its banality. Recensie
Old woman left catatonic by a devastating stroke terrifies her doting granddaughter, in this brilliantly subtle and beautifully elegant horror from Spain... Recensie
Pregnant teenager runs away from juvenile delinquent institution with the helping hand of two wannabe parents - slow burn tale of failed motherhood. Recensie
Father and daughter get entangled in a taxi driver serial killer investigation, in this bewildering crime thriller from China. Recensie
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