Dit zijn alle films en series die Victor heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Dirty Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1065 / 1065
The performances in the movie are outstanding... Recensie
Larraín created a highly politically-charged movie, which is still straightforward and easy to digest... Recensie
The face, the sounds, the smells and even the taste of child abuse come back to haunt the Catholic Church in Chile, in astounding new movie. Recensie
Raises many complex questions about sexuality. Recensie
The camera never feels invasive, as characters seem to speak at their own pace and will... Recensie
Has a lot of clichéd themes and devices. Recensie
An effective yet very conventional French Lesbian drama... Recensie
An American story of bereavement and forgiveness, where homosexuality is the background but never the leitmotif... Recensie
A super-energetic Russell Tovey will both enrapture and repel you, in a very convincing movie about football, homosexuality and feigned masculinity. Recensie
This very intense British drama-horror flick proves that budget restrictions can be a catalyst for creativity, and not a handicap. Recensie
Deftly translates the anxieties of a very private and reserved people (the English) into very effective suspense. Recensie
How the Spanish recycled horror clichés and the role of the vulnerable female to hair-raising results. Recensie
A politically relevant and engrossing film. Recensie
It will make you feel uncomfortable, squeamish and spiritually empty – and it could ultimately break you. Recensie
The acting is profound and poignant... Recensie
Filho explores the dull urban cacophony that ties together middle-class neighbours in the Brazilian city of Recife - to outstanding results. Recensie
A very formal and conservative movie, with little innovation and subversive devices. Recensie
Impressive German gangster-'bromance' movie explores the underground of ethnic diversity and immigration in Germany... Recensie
A touching tale of a quickly vanishing culture and the predicament of of those caught in these turbulent changes. Recensie
A more mature Michael Moore presents his best film to date... Recensie
Feels like a romantic and foolish endeavour confined to a somewhat distant past and to a remote country. Recensie
A film about much-needed reconciliation. Recensie
Chinese masterpiece wows Berlin and reveals: the rushed modernisation of China can be elegantly dirty and oddly fascinating. Recensie
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