Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1326 / 1326
Nothing about Arachnia is original or engaging or memorable. Recensie
It may be a simple, unadorned premise, but the morals, the performances, and the striking portrayal of heartening humanity are undeniably winning. Recensie
Comprehensively covering his ups and downs, charting his career, his infidelities, and his tarnished public image, Ray is both educational and inspirational. Recensie
The commentary on optimism, faith, fairness, underlying goodness, and the human spirit makes The Diary of Anne Frank a powerful achievement. Recensie
Some of the characters are designed like cartoons, engaging in slapstick gimmicks, but the main roles aren’t bad at all; there’s an underlying genuineness in their various interactions, even if much of the dialogue is strained, trying its hardest to sound as if pushing boundaries or remaining authentic. Recensie
The concepts may be potent, with morbid historical lessons to be imparted, and the script intelligent, with a knack for elucidating Jewish plights and defiance under tsarist rule, but they’re nonetheless considerably drawn-out. Recensie
Houseman is perfectly cast, unfalteringly portraying the uncommonly strict educator – a superb performance amid an ordinary picture. Recensie
The darker moments of drama highlight the cast’s ability to balance lively performances with emotional turmoil, which contributes to the potency of the third act. Recensie
The imaginative visuals tend to be the highlight, though the ideas intermittently seem too farfetched even for this flighty spectacle, causing the film to be far more memorable for individual elements rather than the production as a whole. Recensie
Schwarzenegger is watchable in yet another guns-and-stunts adventure, but this production is entirely forgettable. Recensie
This isn’t the intricately brilliant premise one might hope for from a Holmes tale, even if this depiction of Holmes is thoroughly entertaining and iconic. Recensie
Glory is a superbly designed tearjerker of a war epic, highlighting an often overlooked historical division entirely deserving of this big-budget, star-studded, theatrical adaptation. Recensie
It may be atypical in its vivid unpleasantries, but this production isn’t particularly entertaining; its presentation of cops and crimes isn’t as original as it is merely boundary-pushing. Recensie
Jerry Goldsmith’s pleasant score elevates the proceedings by a hair, even if the bulk of the narrative is rather routine, navigating the way to a moving finale that, a shade like Rocky, suggests that winning isn’t the most important outcome. Recensie
Though the script is the third theatrical adaptation of The Big Clock by Kenneth Fearing, which employs a clever frame job, the story is nicely designed for the film medium. Recensie
Though largely devoid of traditional excitement, the film is brimming with zealous interactions and arguments, with Walter’s erratic nature surfacing at unexpected moments to reintegrate tension and tragedy. Recensie
Whatever the backstory of these killers was meant to be, it’s too vague and disjointed to be engaging, culminating in an ending that abruptly stops without any resolution or informative answers. Recensie
His story may be consequential, but the execution here, primarily with pacing, is woefully detrimental to a cinematic appeal. Recensie
The story just doesn’t possess much power or resonance; the tribulations of the Smith family never really merit a full theatrical picture, nor do the romances, which aren’t all that passionate or memorable. Recensie
Brimming with shootouts, detonations, and showdowns, the conclusion is rambunctious yet hollow, wrapping up with underdeveloped, hastily-conceived ideas. Recensie
It may be inexplicably outlandish, but it’s consistently entertaining. Plus, the music is superb. Recensie
At least the notions that life is messy and consequences can be exceptionally complex and whimsically unknowable are effectively quaint here. Recensie
With its poor construction, pitiful acting, and low budget, it’s decidedly a fitting companion either way. Recensie
At least the production is informative, straightforward, and an admirable dramatization of a monumental era and program and its key players. It is, however, more often academic than entertaining. Recensie
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