Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 625 / 625
The best Mission: Impossible film yet. It’s full of humor, great tensions and spectacular actions sequences. Recensie
The Ant-Man may be tiny but this sequel sure is a huge dose of fun! Recensie
I think Howard did a great job here balancing the action and humor. Recensie
This 70-minute documentary definitely left me wanting more. Recensie
Despite the provocative nature, Melody didn’t sensationalize the subject matter, but instead captures the various stories with an astute yet tender lens. Recensie
A mostly-thrilling roller coaster ride for Marvel fans, though I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite in the MCU canon. Recensie
The stakes felt real and there were moments of genuine sadness, but it also didn’t forget to have fun... Recensie
A thoroughly joyful experience, this is one franchise I hope will keep on going. Recensie
I’m glad I saw it on the big screen, it’s certainly a good looking film. Recensie
It’s emotional, thrilling, funny, suspenseful… everything one would want in a period romance, and then some. Recensie
I feel like there’s a proper balance between the iconic characters and the newer ones that expand the story... Recensie
The dynamic camera angles adds energy to an otherwise stuffy whodunnit drama... Recensie
A joyful, thrilling amusement park ride... Recensie
A pretty fun movie that never took itself too seriously... Recensie
I’d say this movie is still pretty fun to watch despite the usual clichés and inherent silliness... Recensie
If this is playing near you, I urge you to see it on the big screen. Recensie
Casting-wise, Holland fits the role nicely and he seems to have fun doing it. Recensie
If you’re in the mood for fun music, crazy action and some sweet little romance, you can’t go wrong with Baby Driver. Recensie
Kudos to Patty Jenkins for being a capable captain of the ship and Gal Gadot for portraying a symbol of female empowerment with such strength and grace. Recensie
I applaud Nacho Vigalondo's originality and wit, even if the execution isn’t perfect. Recensie
Entertaining for two hours but nothing sticks in my mind and definitely not something I’m keen on seeing again. Recensie
The visuals are pretty striking but it also has an engaging story. Recensie
A pretty intriguing biopic about the dark, shady side of the American dream. Recensie
An important film to be sure, but also a well-written and well-acted piece that’s as inspiring as it is entertaining. Recensie
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