Dit zijn alle films en series die Molly heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Screen Rant.
Aantal filmrecensies: 230 / 230
Ambitiously pushes the envelope of the sci-fi and comedy genres for a wholly unique, refreshing and hilarious film. Recensie
Captures most of the fun of Pixar's The Incredibles, but feels somewhat outdated in the modern Hollywood landscape of superhero movies. Recensie
Offers a fun female-fronted summer movie experience as it returns to the world of Ocean's 11, but falls short of elevating the franchise. Recensie
A fun ride full of adventure - and scares - that builds on the mythology of Jurassic Park in very interesting ways. Recensie
Rooted in classic sci-fi, but with healthy doses of horror and slick action, it's a surprisingly fresh and thrilling ride. Recensie
Far more ambitious than the first film, elevating the action, humor and overall scope for an even more fun experience in the sequel. Recensie
Hits all the expected Han Solo origin story beats, delivering a solidly entertaining experience with few surprises. Recensie
Theron’s performance keeps Tully’s warts and all portrayal of motherhood on course, even when the film’s plot mechanics threaten to derail it. Recensie
Delivers an exciting culmination of the MCU, though it’s overstuffed and suffers from certain typical Marvel movie problems. Recensie
Takes the classic raunch comedy premise of teens losing their virginity and gives it a hilariously entertaining update for modern audiences. Recensie
Infuses writer-director Wes Anderson’s signature humor in an offbeat, but still heartwarming story about a boy and his dog(s). Recensie
Builds out the universe for a bigger, more fun fight between giant robots and monsters, but loses sight of del Toro’s vision. Recensie
Faithfully adapts the graphic novel for a striking coming-of-age movie that blends magical realism with heartbreaking drama. Recensie
A funny, heartfelt, and truly touching teen romantic comedy that instantly becomes a modern classic for today’s generation. Recensie
An exciting, beautiful, and thought-provoking adaptation of VanderMeer’s novel in Annihilation. Recensie
Offers an engaging family-friendly sci-fi adventure, but falls short of reaching the potential of its talented cast and director. Recensie
Plenty of sex, overwrought drama, and unintentional humor. Recensie
Provides a satisfactory concluding chapter to the YA dystopian trilogy, and little else beyond action spectacle. Recensie
An entertaining enough thriller with some flare from director Babak Najafi, but works best as Taraji P. Henson’s action vehicle. Recensie
Offers a satisfying conclusion to the a capella series, but sacrifices heart and substance for bizarre, over-the-top story choices. Recensie
Builds upon Star Wars history for a more expansive, high-stakes adventure with plenty of fresh – and classic – elements. Recensie
Stylishly follows Winston Churchill’s early days as Prime Minister with a transformative performance from Gary Oldman. Recensie
A beautiful and powerful coming of age love story with remarkable performances from Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet. Recensie
Elegantly blends whimsical fairy tale with a fresh spin on classic monster movies for a delightful experience. Recensie
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