Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
This is a forgettable, unmemorable and strange film. Smulders is pretty much a waste, much like her character. Recensie
It’s all very meh. It’s charming enough to watch on a throwaway Wednesday afternoon. Recensie
There isn’t much here to enjoy. At its core, it’s a romantic comedy with a bitter pill swallowed right down its gullet. Recensie
This film is fantastic, fun and full of energy! Feeling like a comic book animated at high speed. Recensie
The acting is pretty good, especially from Kweku. Where they lose me is in the third act. Recensie
The movie is good, but not great. Lead by a stellar turn from the always fantastic Regina Hall this is one where her character’s arc is packed to tight for the timeline. Recensie
The parts just never made the whole complete. No, instead it felt like a waste. I really cannot recommend this film. Recensie
The script is good and the performances are all very real, and everything comes off as something that isn’t too far off from a reality. Recensie
Those who enjoy a bit of the avant-garde this is right in your lane. A perfect look into mania and mental illness. Recensie
A fun time at the movies and a film that is fun for the whole family. Jack Black is his typically funny self and I liked Blanchett in her role. Recensie
Even though some of the jokes miss when they do hit they’re quite funny. Overall I enjoyed the film and if you want something a little light that will make laugh, by all means, take a gander at this film. Recensie
This film is hot garbage, but it is a really fun time. I think that it’s an utterly stupid script and it wastes the efforts of a really talented cast. Recensie
There was so much potential here but it is unfortunately squandered. Recensie
There was certainly a little bit of magic to some of what occurs but it never all coalesces. Recensie
The only thing keeping this from utter failure is the performance by AnnaSophia Robb. Recensie
This love letter of sorts to the city of Oakland really does the city justice while calling it out on its glaring issues. A stellar film indeed. Recensie
This is a wonderful and warm film that is equal parts snappy dialogue and cutesy love story. Recensie
A cluttered mess of a story told by a director with a history of cluttered messes. Recensie
It leaves a well enough impression but doesn’t completely get out of the blocks. Its predictable nature does not help it in the slightest. I dug all the period aesthetics. Recensie
Not only will you get a rather gripping tale but one full of emotions and good performances. Recensie
A staggering experience to sit through and one that’s never easy because, like it’s protagonist, it pulls no punches. Recensie
Hawkes is fantastic and the story being told is one that feels modern and new even if it’s packaging says otherwise. Recensie
It has its tropes, sure, but it delivers a charming, well-told story. One that does leave its mark on audiences. It is a love story that will make the romantic hearts in the building flutter just a bit. Recensie
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