These are all the movies and series that William has reviewed. Read more at: FilmSnobReviews.
Number of movie reviews: 1091 / 1091
Sophia Mitri Schloss earns the lead role and she is pitch perfect in her performance... Review
It doesn’t reinvent the wheel and the tropes it does fall into it tries with all it’s might to subvert. Review
I really cannot wait to see whatever Dominic Savage does next. Let’s hope he gets to work with a script as good as this one is. Review
Come for the runtime stay for the interesting story, told in a rather unconventional way. Review
There’s not going to be a ton of docs that touch this one in terms of raw emotion and utter introspection. Review
It’s funny, fun and to a point exhilarating. Review
A beautifully drawn film that simply does just an okay job with the storytelling. Review
I can’t recommend this at all, mainly because it isn’t good but also because it’s fairly terrible in almost every sense of filmmaking. Review
Character decision will leave you asking even more questions about human existence and the fragility of the human psyche. Review
Insofar as horror films go this one isn’t near the worse. It also can’t touch the best of this genre. Review
Not a complete cinematic disaster it is a narrative mess. Review
It does the main thing a documentary should do and it shows both the good and the bad of its subject never feeling like a fluff piece. Review
You’ll feel like your journey is great and well earned. I can’t wait to see what Rachel Isreal does next. Review
A film that worked really well and is essentially just a showcase of just HOW GOOD Soderbergh is behind the lens. Review
At no point will you find yourself laughing at anything that occurs here. Narratively it’s almost devoid of most things. Review
Certainly not terrible and really it isn’t that bad. Outside of sketchy writing, there’s a ton to like. Review
If you want a great laugh with excellent performances and everything else a romcom can do well, done well check this one out ASAP. Review
There’s not much to grab onto. I’ll recommend it, if only slightly. Review
A well-told story with the personal and pitch-perfect direction... Review
A glaring, raw and true look at addiction and enabling. Review
I wouldn’t say it’s an important film but I think it is a rather perfect 2018 film. Review
It’s a flawed film that’s mostly let down by its weak lead performance. Not weak enough to kill it though. Review
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