Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
An interesting film and very unlike anything I’ve seen from DC’s animated canon. Recensie
There isn’t anything here for anyone. Recensie
A good movie and a real treat for fans of blaxploitation and grindhouse features. Recensie
See the film because it is a beauty, despite its length. Recensie
Full of all the right emotions and brilliantly drawn. Recensie
Tedious and often boring to have to get through this is not the best of Batfleck... Recensie
A heart string piano of a film that is note perfect throughout its deceptively short runtime. Recensie
It has some amazing acting and its screenplay is tight. Recensie
Sluggishly paced and essentially carried by Natalie Portman’s powerhouse performance. Recensie
It feels like we’re watching three lives unfold almost naturally. Recensie
Never lacking in the emotional pull this for sure might be the most unexpected film of 2016 to make you weep. Recensie
Thrilling, this is the type of film the edge of your seat was made for! Recensie
Almost perfect filmmaking gets lost by my inability to connect with the character. Recensie
Still good but not as good as Berg’s other 2016 film. Recensie
An exploration of the human psyche, the importance of communication and how that stretches beyond our atmosphere. Recensie
Cute and adorable and it features just enough Disney magic. Recensie
A strong film that is good without stepping into the great turf. Recensie
There’s a quirkiness here that permeates and leaves its mark. Recensie
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