Dit zijn alle films en series die Jack heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Roobla.
Aantal filmrecensies: 259 / 259
Gets by on goodwill and the undeniable draw of its headlining feline. Recensie
An oddly unemotive bore that feels strangely worked and less a sweeping biopic, more like Bridget Jones’ Dianary. Recensie
A particularly interesting story that has some biting things to say about modern music, even though it ends with a bit of a whimper. Recensie
An enjoyable thriller that surpasses the lower expectations that surrounds it. Recensie
Offers lower ebb brilliance but still excellent value for its seemingly brief duration. Recensie
A masturbatory celebration of muscles and drugs which might be hypnotic at times but the tone is as messed up as the central trio. Recensie
A smart, well-made, brutal night of gruesome enjoyment. Recensie
A Brit thriller that is admirably older school in ambition, Get Lucky is disorderly but pacey enough to keep fans watching. Recensie
Lacks the fully roundedness of his last film (Insidious) but delivers majorly on the scares, characters and atmospherics. Recensie
May be messy there is fun to be had with this rather different blockbuster. Recensie
A rush of pandemic entertainment, which makes an entertaining film in its own right. Recensie
The blockbuster of the year, comes generously wrapped in nostalgia, fun and spectacle to define the genre for this decade. Recensie
An insightful documentary about surviving traditions and cultures in the contemporary age. Recensie
There are occasionally ideas that pop up in Paranormal Incident 2 but they are infrequent in this messy found footage film. Recensie
Expands on the first film by upping the silliness, energy and warmth, it is a bona fide family hit. Recensie
Is at times confused and not the most standout low budget horror but offers some genuine creeps along the way. Recensie
Openly enjoyable, a glittering, camp and respectful celebration of an American icon and his whirlwind romance that is staggeringly performed. Recensie
A sumptuously shot and scored production with good performances that should appeal squarely to lovers of period drama... Recensie
Not realistically the worst comedy of the year just a disordered affair, with morally flippant characters and sloppy writing. Recensie
A good horror/thriller with a premise that adds real depth. Recensie
An inoffensive, occasionally enjoyable caper that has its heart in the right place but its funny bone is out of joint... Recensie
Not absent of all merit but is utterly devoid of humour and the new direction hasn’t helped make this threequel meaningful. Recensie
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