Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 915 / 915
I really enjoy these ‘small’ and tight little thrillers, and I found this a good one. Recensie
Simply stunning. This is a must-see on the big screen, so if you haven’t yet, try to catch it fast before it slips through into the streaming universe. Recensie
No doubt about it, this is a solid action thriller. For me though, I slightly preferred the first film to this one. Recensie
Like this movie, it was gorgeous to look at. Indeed, it was brilliant in places. But overall a bit of a disjointed snore-fest. Asteroid City is thankfully a bit better than The French Dispatch but only marginally so. Recensie
It is a worthy summer blockbuster... Recensie
It’s light and fluffy and its not going to win any Oscars. But as a raunchy summer comedy film, of the likes of Booksmart or Sex Tape, matched with a deeper and thought-provoking story, it fitted the bill well for me. Recensie
I wanted to love this, I really did, and there can be no doubting the enthusiasm with which the cast (and indeed – in the finale – the whole population of Clitheroe!) throw themselves into the production. While it did occasionally entertain, the arc of the story made me feel distinctly “meh”. Recensie
If you can put Ezra Miller’s dodgy home-life aside, you – like me – may find this a well-made and entertaining superhero ride. It has its tongue firmly in its cheek at times but it is all the better for that. I was well-entertained. Recensie
As action movies go, this is a good one. Tense and exciting with some truly remarkable cinematography, editing and stuntwork. Recensie
It’s far from being a complete bust, and as a retread on some classic movies it makes for entertaining enough viewing. But it fails to find a beat of its own and as a result is constantly in the shadow of similar but much better movies. Recensie
Did I enjoy this one? As a traditional cop murder/mystery thriller, honestly not so much. But as a character study into the complex individual that is Mike Hoolihan, I liked it very much indeed. Recensie
A very dark film indeed, but also a very well-directed film. Sometimes the horrors of life lie in the smallest of details. This is perhaps NOT a film that anyone with kids in any form of child-care should watch. Recensie
This was an entertaining watch, held together by great performances from Shailene Woodley and Ben Mendelsohn. Although the film never quite reaches the promise of those opening 15 minutes, it’s still a worthwhile watch and better than a lot of recent Sky Original Movies for sure. Recensie
I thought it was OK, and it had its moments. But overall not one I will hold in my memory for long. Recensie
I know I’ve listed four positive bullets here and only two negative ones. But a comedy film really lives or dies on whether it makes you laugh or not, and this one just didn’t meet the 6-laughs test. It’s just about watchable and passes the time. Recensie
It’s a wonderful (and for once, not disappointing) trip down Nostalgia Avenue for all older folks who fell in love with the original animation 34 (no, stop, really??) years ago. Recensie
Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood. Maybe I didn’t have my romantic comedy glasses on. But maybe this is just not a great film. Recensie
Yes, it is nonsense and utterly ludicrous! But if you go into it with your benchmark set to that, then – like me – you may have an equally fun time. Recensie
I came out of this film annoyed and rather negative about it, just based on the “unrealism” aspects of the plot as discussed above. But, in retrospect, and with the benefit of distance, this was a really entertaining romp that I should lighten up on! Recensie
If you like this sort of formulaic action film then you might be very content to park your brain at the door, grab a bucket of popcorn and enjoy this one. Recensie
The plot is so utterly predictable you can see where it’s going to go from the get-go. Recensie
It’s more of the same with Book Club 2. Recensie
I have to say that, while I have my reservations, I was impressed at the quality of the acting and the extraordinary film-making on show. It’s a really interesting film that some will love and some will hate. Recensie
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