These are all the movies and series that Bob has reviewed. Read more at: One Mann's Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 913 / 913
The animation style is quite ‘blocky’ and crude but some of the sequences are remarkably well done. Review
The artwork of the countryside the characters (by Charles Mackesy) is just superb. Moreover, the story is chock full of really deep and positive mental health messages. Review
Another well-directed and female-directed movie (and impressive in being Lila Neugebauer’s feature debut), this one feels like it’s an “always a bridesmaid, never the bride” film at the awards. But I found it an interesting, if slow, drama that pleased without totally exciting me. Review
The film must have been well received, since a sequel is in the works. For this is a cracking story of derring do on the high seas, this animation is highly recommended for a family watch. Review
This is an awesome documentary that I would urge everyone reading this to watch. Review
This is a solid chapter in the whole ‘Rocky’ saga, which – given these films have been going for nearly 50 years – is pretty impressive. I’d certainly recommend it as a good night out at the movies, so hats off to Michael B. Jordan. Review
As a Rom-com it’s largely inoffensive and might satisfy those with a romantic bent who want to see how it ends (as if you didn’t already know!). But I found it bland and lacking in the ‘com’ aspect. Reece Witherspoon deserves better material than this. Review
A good communal watch, I went with three other family members and we roared in laughter throughout. Like a good teen slasher, it’s fun to see a bunch of random, unlikeable individuals exit (pursued by a bear!) It’s not bloody Shakespeare, but it was good for a laugh. Review
Deserving of its classic status, this Hitchcock classic was great to see on the big-screen again. Review
But although containing shocking subject matter, I found this a really absorbing watch... Review
As for the recent Pinnochio, I recognize the technical skill employed in making this one, and enjoyed it to an extent. But I’m afraid I just got a bit bored by the end of it. Review
I can appreciate the artistry of both Bowie and Brett Morgen, the documentary maker, but as an overlong mind-bending kaleidoscope of Bowie this didn’t float my personal boat. But I can see as a Bowie fan why you might give this one 5 stars. Review
Will it win any Oscars? No. But as a fun night out for a couple at the cinema, it fits the bill. Review
This is a really solid Netflix film, telling a shocking true story… even more shocking when you get to the “factoids” presented in the closing titles. It’s worth watching as a wannabe actor purely for ‘that scene’ with Eddie Redmayne. One that would be fabulous to try to recreate to practise your craft. Review
I really doubt myself as a cinephile when the only one of Park Chan-wook’s films I’ve seen before is Stoker from 2013. This is something I need to remedy. But I thought this film was fabulous, and well deserving of a re-watch, when I might be able to get even more from it. Review
I’ve seen varied reviews of this movie, but I was really engaged in it and thought it was great. I was genuinely surprised that this was a “last year film” and just completely overlooked by the BAFTAs and Oscars. Review
Marvel seems to be on life-support if this is anything to go by. If, like Ant Man, it had tried to position itself at the comedy-Marvel end of the spectrum it might have succeeded. But, while there is still some comic moments in there, it is far more po-faced than even Ant Man and the Wasp. Dull, dull, dull. My recommendation: avoid. Review
This is a cracking debut feature from Marie Lidén, and a well deserved BAFTA nomination. The film is unsettling and thought-provoking and makes you suddenly appreciate your health and freedom and fear for how quickly both can get ripped away from you. Highly recommended. Review
It’s an interesting documentary, nicely bookending – with reality – the continuation of the fictionalised account in Dopesick. I could personally have done with a shorter film and one more focused on that topic. But I can see art lovers, especially photographic art lovers, reacting positively to this movie. Review
I honestly didn’t LOVE it that much, but it was 100% more intriguing than I expected it to be and can fully appreciate the artistry. But this one certainly won’t be for everyone. Review
A tight 97-minutes of drama that didn’t disappoint and reminds us of a time-gone-by that’s best left in the past. Review
What an excellent fictionalised account of two sister’s extraordinary story. It really is an emotional film, a heady mix of hard knocks and feel-good. Review
This wasn’t really for me. I found it too long and not funny enough. As to why the Academy gave up one of their ten slots for this, I think they must have their heads “in den wolken”. Review
This is a profoundly moving, poignant and unforgettable film. Review
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