Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 915 / 915
A splendidly atmospheric version of a classic horror tale that is a delight to experience. Recensie
A Disney offering that has its moments but, for me, is fundamentally flawed. A case of trying too hard to tick off a checklist of gotta includes. Recensie
It’s a lovely bit of work and well worth your time in seeing. Mind you, I’m not sure yet how you would get to see this, but hopefully it will be available through some online outlet in the near future. Recensie
An impressively exciting little slice of action hokum, this is one that I really enjoyed. Recensie
It’s a perfectly well-made documentary about a public figure. However, as the public figure seems to be so nice and well-loved it doesn’t make for a terribly gripping documentary. Recensie
As I’m not a big fan of animated films in general, and particularly not blocky animation like this, this movie left me feeling a little under-whelmed. Recensie
As a film, it had some really bad moments. But having said that, I laughed a lot (not always intentionally) and its goofy charm rather won me round to it a bit. Recensie
A sequel that feels like it’s lazily been thrown together with bits glued together from existing material and pandering to a tick-list of Moana tropes. Recensie
A disappointing Christmas film that throws a huge amount of money at a wall for astonishingly little value. One to avoid. Recensie
Given Ariana Grande has so little movie experience she really knocks the role of Galinda out of the park. It’s a comic work of genius. But equally impressive is Cynthia Erivo in the less showy but more powerful role of Elphaba. Recensie
I thought this was terrific. If you park your brain a bit regarding some of the historical details, this is a hugely enjoyable romp that I found thoroughly entertaining. Recensie
It’s a nice enough little Irish thriller and worth your time. But it never jumped out at me as a must watch the way that Swing Bout did. Recensie
This is a little gem of a movie with a great cast, clever direction and an interesting plot. Recensie
This is a really engrossing true-life-crime documentary that is both a fascinating historical record and also a great tribute to Charlie Bird, who sadly died of MND in March of this year. Recensie
This documentary is never less than interesting throughout and there is one particular moment of SUCH PURE JOY in this documentary that you can’t help but be uplifted by it. Recensie
It’s difficult to dislike this film. But I can’t deny that it’s a disappointment after the glories of the first two films. Recensie
A really solidly well-made and thoughtful film. Slow-burn and incredibly well-acted with Cillian Murphy giving yet another award-worthy performance. Recensie
This is a cracking little courtroom drama and my favourite Eastwood-directed flick for a long time. Highly recommended. Recensie
As nearly always seems to be the case, A24 delivers another interesting movie. But I think Heretic would barely have reached 3 stars without the phenomenal charm and presence of Hugh Grant in the lead role. Recensie
It is delivered in such an artsy way that I found it frustrating and dull. In my opinion, it would have been much better to have made a 90 minute film focused on just Feier’s story. Recensie
As a first directorial effort from Kendrick, it’s a decent film without really setting my world on fire. Recensie
Just when you think all the clever ideas have been mined, along comes a movie that is refreshingly different. This is a really clever film. Your heart really does go out to people suffering from any serious facial disfigurement, especially those with neurofibromatosis. Recensie
It’s not serious. It’s not scary. It’s not funny. It’s just MEH. Recensie
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