Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 915 / 915
This was the directorial debut of cinematographer Ellen Kuras and she does a great job. She has an eye for a shot as smart as Miller herself. But the movie is anchored by a tremendous performance by Kate Winslet who was so passionate about the film that she helped to personally fund it after the money ran dry. Recensie
Highly recommended…. provided you have a strong stomach for this type of body-horror movie. This one is bound to be high up in my Films of the Year list. Recensie
A thoroughly entertaining little horror/thriller that’s actually more thrill than scare. Recensie
It’s an enduring classic and, for once, it really doesn’t show its age. Recensie
A game of two halves. The movie had its moments, but the final product never keeps up the momentum of its first half. Recensie
This is a wonderful, if disturbing film. A taut hour and a half of near cinema perfection in my book. Recensie
This was a real surprise. A small-scale thriller that is superbly made (a debut feature for Rodger Griffiths) and actually manages to thrill. Recensie
Overall, I’m afraid this came across as a bunch of student filmmakers deciding to make a horror film as a project and extending it to 90 minutes. Recensie
A good-looking film, well acted and with an interesting story. So lot’s of potential. But, for me, the script lacked a sense of drive that made it a standout drama. Recensie
This early/sub-teen audience is probably a good target audience for this one and will enjoy it greatly. For me though, this felt like a bit of a missed opportunity. Recensie
Preeti Panigrahi is just perfect as the young Mira. Yes, she’s naive and easily manipulated, but she is also fiercely intelligent and defiant. Recensie
If you treat it with a big historical pinch of salt, this is an entertaining and engrossing historical romp, anchored by two terrific performances by Alicia Vikander and Jude Law. Recensie
A really entertaining British film that showcases some great acting and will hopefully get some awards recognition. I think this will go down a storm with the older population of cinemagoers, packing out Silver Screen performances up and down the country. Recensie
A really solid and entertaining yarn, beautifully shot and well paced. Bits of it you have to take with a large grain of salt, including the finale! But this is definitely a recommended watch. Recensie
This type of film has been done much better before, for example by the surprisingly fun M3gan from last year and Ex Machina from 2015. Recensie
Although morally dubious, this documentary is a stunning piece of work and both thrilling and horrifying. Recensie
I have no baggage associated with the brand on this one, so I’ve watched this as a simply horror/thriller. And I thought it was fine, without being anything special. Recensie
I really enjoyed this one. Zoë Kravitz should be justly proud of it. It’s a different sort of film (Lord be praised!). Recensie
I really wasn’t expecting too much from this film, but I was actually pleasantly surprised. It undoubtedly has some rough edges, and the odd bit of amateurish acting to boot, but you could do far worse than give this a try when it appears on your screens in October. Recensie
An innovative horror that I thought was a whole lot better than the recent Longlegs. Recensie
It’s not perfect (and it’s certainly not bloody Shakespeare) but if you like your gory action space operas then this one is well worth catching on the big screen. Recensie
A rom/dram that feels really well made and entertained me throughout. It succeeds in not making the main protagonist an unredeemable villain which feels the right sort of approach while not ducking any of the issues. Recensie
A mystery/thriller can only really thrill if it stays the right side of reasonable. This one had such absurd plotting that it lost all credibility with me. Recensie
An astonishing film that stands up even 22 years later. Recensie
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