Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeremy heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 335 / 335
Ambitious and weird, providing unusual commentary on comic book movies in the form of a sequel that's landing almost two decades after the first film was released. Glass is well-acted, sloppily constructed, but mostly captivating in its ability to ground its characters in a world that just might exist.
May not be as focused or as well-rounded as Wonder Woman, but it's a load of fun and a technical achievement that DC should be very proud of.
A bleak tale of redemption, anchored down by another unfiltered Clint Eastwood performance that's drenched in moral ambiguity. The Mule is a heart-wrenching drama that foreshadows Eastwood's prolific career.
Features crazy-inventive animation and a plethora of Spidey heart. The world is ready for Miles Morales and this film proves that there's plenty of stories left within the Spider-Verse that must be told.
Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander is still quirky, fun and worthy of leading the franchise, but the supporting characters definitely lessen the film's effect, while Yates and Rowling attempt to intertwine too many sub-stories and references to the HP series.
An instant success. Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne deliver sincere and enjoyable performances, while director Sean Anders captures the subject matter with an even dose of well-blended comedy and drama. This is an all-around great family film.
A well-balanced blend of horror and sci-fi, with excellent sound design, solid gore effects and enough zombie Nazi slaying to satisfy most B-movie junkies.
Easily the worst Dragon Tattoo installment yet, filled with uninspiring characters that follow a thin plot that feels like a rushed made-for-TV afterthought when compared to both Niels Arden Oplev and David Fincher's previous films.
A vicious slasher film that reinvigorates a franchise that most thought was dead and buried. Jamie Lee Curtis gives a convincing performance, while Nick Castle returns to haunt us all as The Shape.
A painful reflection of fame, a study of addiction and a display of what it means to be true to yourself. One of the year’s best without a doubt.
S a performance-driven mystery that's uniquely structured and executed.
It's not a complete failure, but boy did Sony butcher what could've been something much more special.
Falls flat in the story department, despite Jack Black's usual brand of comedy blending together well with Cate Blanchett's charms.
Far less serious (or as groundbreaking) as the original, but it still has fun characters, a decent plot and awesome action and gore. It's a complete riot from start-to-finish.
Packed full of repetitive jump-scares and haunting images that occasionally distract audiences from its flimsy story and familiar approach.
A mildly entertaining summer shark movie that borderlines on generic as Jason Statham leads this almost bloodless creature feature with his usual wit and charms.
A shining example of a franchise done right, expanding the set pieces to impossible heights and coming up with creative and thrilling new ways to revisit the same characters.
Denzel and director Antoine Fuqua have crafted a violent revenge flick that piles up the bodies in one of the better action films of the year.
Another Marvel success, managing to capture the comedic talents of Paul Rudd and surround him with a great ensemble cast.
A near-perfect film. A more condense and precise version of the first film, expanding on its characters and murky world in a way that doesn't make it feel like a cash grab sequel.
It's big, loud and frightening in all of the right ways, capitalizing on director J.A. Bayona's visual flare and the franchise's now-roots at being mostly popcorn cinema.
It's not too worried about the grander scheme of things and instead settles for something compact, fun and adventurous.
One massive film that raises the stakes to the very highest and executes almost flawlessly.
Every bit as fun as it looks, featuring larger-than-life special effects and action to keep you entertained...
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