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Aantal filmrecensies: 622 / 622
I love learning about Barry’s collaboration with two music legends – Dame Shirley Bassey and Louis Armstrong who sang some of the greatest Bond classics. Recensie
The story itself is pretty cute though the romance with Fred Astaire isn’t as convincing as Hepburn’s other films. Still it was charming enough and I really enjoy Kay Thompson‘s performance as the fashion editor. Recensie
Overall it’s just sensory overload with too much bombastic animated action, the story runs out of steam fast and frankly, I’m tired of seeing/hearing Michelle Yeoh being cast a Kung-Fu expert, come on Hollywood she’s SO much more versatile than that. Recensie
Efron displays such an earnest quality that makes the character’s inherent foolishness endearing. Russell Crowe has a brief but memorable appearance as a war journalist. Recensie
Ticket To Paradise is a pleasant, frothy diversion but doesn’t offer anything new in the genre. Recensie
I think the film has the potential of being quite profound, but in the end, I struggle to connect with Tana and her journey. Still, I’m glad I saw this and it’s well worth my time just to see Gladstone’s performance. Recensie
Field truly immerses you in Lydia’s universe, with the help of Hildur Guðnadóttir’s music and Florian Hoffmeister’ evocative cinematography. Recensie
It’s so rare to see a movie like Marcel which is endearingly funny and has a surprisingly emotional depth, yet still suitable for the whole family. It’s full of wit without resorting to crude/raunchy humor, and that alone is quite a feat. Recensie
At 2 hour 14 minutes it’s just too long and overly indulgent that it keeps stumbling and flopping toward its discombobulating conclusion. Recensie
I don’t think it’s as bad as the reviews made it out to be. I still find it enjoyable thanks to the bad-ass female cast who made it a fun Saturday night entertainment. Recensie
See How They Run doesn’t take itself too seriously but the committed cast sure has a lot of fun with their roles, which makes it pretty darn entertaining. Recensie
I enjoyed Greenland and I find it refreshing to see a disaster movie that cares more about the people affected than the special effects. The thought-provoking plot and emotional focus elevate this above other movies in this popular subgenre. Recensie
I think that’s the major beef I have with Don’t Worry Darling, the ideas being presented just aren’t fully developed. It’s a high concept that’s more surface level as the script fails to explore it in a deeper level. Recensie
The Woman King has been described by Viola Davis herself as her magnum opus and I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to call her performance a masterpiece. Recensie
It’s a charming and frothy diversion from the somber reality of the Queen’s passing. It’s not meant to be an emotional depiction like The Queen or even The Crown series, nonetheless, it’s a perfectly enjoyable piece of entertainment inspired by historical events. Recensie
Despite the leads’ committed performances, the film doesn’t prove to be a satisfying one. Most of the characters appear as one dimensional, even though there are moments where Hall’s Trinitie are palpably conflicted in her role as First Lady. Recensie
Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron and Richard Ayoade are definitely the trio MVPs, but Awkwafina and Zazie Beetz are pretty good as well. Recensie
Despite all the sheer spectacle, the movie’s strength lies in the charisma of the two leads who manage to ground even the most outlandish flight of fancy. The film actually works best as a two-hander and the simplest interactions between them in that hotel room generate the most emotional power. Recensie
Samaritan doesn’t live up to its name as the movie barely offers any redeeming values. Recensie
It’s easily the most underrated film of the year as there’s such little fanfare about this film. It’s such a shame as it’s such a brilliant and deeply moving film about loss and grief that will linger long after I watched it. Recensie
The movie is still a worthwhile watch thanks to the talented leads. Recensie
The way it is now, I’m glad I saw it but it’s not something I’m keen on watching again, so it falls short of being an animated classic. Recensie
Prey is such a pleasant surprise and coming from a non-horror fan, that’s saying something. I’m glad I ventured out of my comfort zone to watch this one. Recensie
The result is an impressive, edge-of-your-seat adventure survival drama that’s as thrilling as it is emotionally resonant. Bravura filmmaking at its finest, I’d even go so far as the film being Oscar-worthy. Recensie
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