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Aantal filmrecensies: 625 / 625
Love his quirky but warmhearted sense of humor and imaginative creativity. His Wonka version has just the right amount of kookiness, magical whimsy, and heart that’s perfect for the holiday season. Recensie
This film is a towering achievement that’s done with utmost love and admiration for the late music virtuoso. I was fully immersed in the film, even the slower moments didn’t feel tedious. Recensie
Kingsley, Harris, and Curtin make for an unlikely but fun trio, while Quon did an outstanding job as Jules in a silent performance with just her expression and body language. Recensie
While there are things I admire about Fennell’s direction and the performances, ultimately it’s a shallow and vile endeavor. Recensie
Overall this is an admirable work by Borgli, a highly original, genre-bending piece that actually has something interesting to say. Recensie
While the creators had a neat idea about how we’re shaped by the dreams we hold dearest in our hearts, overall the movie doesn’t really tug at my heartstrings. Recensie
Next Goal Wins has all the ingredients to be a profound and uplifting underdog sports story, but unfortunately, it never quite rises to that level. Recensie
Quiz Lady is wonderfully fun, kooky, and entertaining from start to finish. Recensie
Funny, relatable, and poignant, I thoroughly enjoyed this one from start to finish. Recensie
Even the pair of talented actors and the power of nostalgia still can’t overcome a lackluster script. Recensie
I’m glad I got a chance to finally see this one. It’s not as deep or emotionally resonant as I would’ve liked, but still warrants a recommendation. Recensie
The message that one person’s trash can be a gift for another is beautifully realized in this inspiring feel-good drama. Recensie
I find The Creator quite satisfying though it remains to be seen if it’ll be regarded as a sci-fi classic years down the line. Recensie
I do appreciate that Shulman’s script and Sie’s direction avoid the saccharine pitfalls despite dealing with a tear-jerker theme. The story is heart-rending and sweet without being nauseatingly syrupy. Recensie
A Million Miles Away honors José’s life wonderfully, it’s the kind of crowd-pleaser we all could use more of these days. Recensie
One can’t refute Branagh’s deep love for the character and it’s even more evident in this film. Three times the charm, as this is definitely the strongest of Branagh’s Christie trilogy. Recensie
As amusing as it is to hear from the lensmen who have photographed the Queen, it doesn’t really offer an in-depth portrait of the monarch beyond what’s generally known. Recensie
Overall, I had fun with the last of The Equalizer trilogy and it’s definitely my favorite of the three. Denzel is as charismatic as ever, there’s a quiet dignity to him whether he’s brandishing violence or benevolence. Recensie
Despite its flaws though, this one is still worth a watch just for Bassett alone, who manages to still rise above the lackluster material. Recensie
Peace By Chocolate is a heartwarming and enjoyable little movie and its positive message about tolerance and making peace with those different from us is timely and inspiring. Recensie
McElhone is a delight to watch, somehow able to balance the poignant and comedic elements seamlessly. Recensie
The MVP is definitely Janney, who’s absolutely badass as a no-nonsense mixture of Bear Grylls meets Jason Bourne with a dollop of Liam Neeson’s Bryan Mills. Recensie
There is plenty to admire here and it makes me ponder about our increasing reliance on technology at the expense of our own humanity. Barthes is definitely a skilled writer/director, so I’m curious to see what she’d tackle next. Recensie
It is lacking heart as well, the small attempts at empathy made at the end feel more manufactured than organic. As a franchise starter, this Gal Gadot action vehicle fails to ignite. Recensie
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