Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
Pretty standard Netflix RomCom fodder. Laura Dern is genuinely charming, but Liam Hemsworth just isn’t the guy. Recensie
The narrative of this film is, by far, its most compelling aspect. As the labyrinthine tale begins to unfurl and the story falls into place, you start to notice cracks in the narrative, even though it presents a fascinating take on transtemporal travel. Recensie
Its wit and charm are in the right place, and with stronger writing, it could have been elevated even further. Recensie
This grade feels about right for the film. Come for the beautiful scenery, and stay for the amazing performance by one of our most talented working actresses. Recensie
The narrative takes some baffling turns, with decisions that lack coherence or justification for the risks they take. Recensie
A wonderful little ball of joy and sadness, this film is a beautifully told tale from Megan Park. Recensie
The narrative is sharp, funny, and immensely powerful, showcasing the profound love that siblings share. Recensie
I found this entire endeavor rather boring. Schwartzman usually brings a quirky charm to his roles, but here it feels forced and unnatural. Recensie
This is a massive skip. I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this to anyone—unless you enjoy lowbrow, stupid humor and unfunny jokes about bodily fluids. Recensie
A few scenes sparkle with striking colors, and the overall saturated look works well. But aesthetics were never going to be the main issue. Ultimately, the film’s direction falls short of what the story truly needs. Recensie
Strange would be the best way to describe this. It’s slow, almost glacial in how the story unfolds, and by the end of a week-long festival, some of its initial luster had faded. Recensie
This movie, much like Megan Fox’s performance, feels like a blank sheet of paper. Recensie
If you’re a fan of this cult classic, this documentary is right up your alley. Recensie
It’s pretty enjoyable to see two actors of Pitt and Clooney’s caliber, but this should have been far more engaging than it is. Recensie
Arianna Mastroianni gives her all in front of the camera, and Sloan positions that camera with precision, capturing every moment to its fullest effect. Recensie
We’re taken through the entire gamut of emotions and stakes, but it all feels hollow. Recensie
Pulling off a time travel film is no easy feat, and it’s common for the narrative to get a bit messy. Luckily, Li proves to be masterful behind the camera, and his script is about as tightly constructed as a time travel story can be. Recensie
Azazel Jacobs continues to impress. His writing and direction often feel deeply personal and undeniably beautiful. Recensie
Speaking strictly from a narrative perspective—and setting aside what we now know about Trump—the script feels very underwhelming. Stan is, once again, exceptional. Recensie
What. A. Picture. This film does not pull any punches and is quite possibly the best of the year—not just as a standout in cinema, but as arguably the finest horror film in a sea of fantastic entries. Recensie
This movie is honestly incredible. It’s an exploration of identity and a discussion on the nature of confidence and insecurity. It also bravely tackles the theme of body dysmorphia, all handled with skill and sensitivity. Recensie
This film is absolutely dumb, and it doesn’t care that it’s dumb. It’s also extraordinarily fun. Recensie
This is a rocking, stunning, and breathtakingly unique experience—you’ve never seen a film quite like this, I can guarantee that. Recensie
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