Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
A very enjoyable little comedy. One that will certainly fly under the radar. Recensie
It is safely put together and directed in such a way where it all just sorta works. Kristian Mercado is letting his actors do their thing and happens to be pointing a camera at them. Sometimes that just sorta works. Recensie
Burr, for his part behind the lens is clearly a rookie and perhaps with more seasoning as a director he’ll be fine. What’s the biggest concern is the writing. It’s awful. Recensie
A film of beautiful, stressful moments. There hasn’t been a love triangle done this well in some time. The raw emotion and take on what human sexuality is, and can be. Recensie
The pacing and lack of expository execution are the two cardinal sins this film commits. What keeps this ship afloat are the performances all of them grandiose enough to propel the narrative forward while utilizing the too fast pacing to make everything FEEL better than it is delivered. Recensie
A damned beautiful looking science fiction tale. Sadly this is one that’s let down by the ambitions of the director and the shortcuts of that same man as a writer. Recensie
A crisp crime drama if I’ve seen one all year. Lead wonderfully by a classic Del Toro turn this is a film that surprised me with its quality even if it doesn’t get everything right all the time. Recensie
This won’t be for everyone but the breezy watch that was fairly funny worked for me... Recensie
Through song and script Carney shows us how amazing music can be at conveying emotions and telling stories…once again. Recensie
It’s an enjoyable mystery with the always likable Poirot at the center. This works with, before or after spooky season and I think it’s a well thought out film that you probably won’t see coming. Recensie
Sometimes a film just hits me right. This is one of those times. Clearly this is a film that I am the demographic for and thus it worked well for me. Recensie
So much went right but not enough for me was done well to give this anything but a run of the mill romantic comedy. Recensie
Whatever this film is doing it isn’t succeeding particularly well. I think it is time that we mercifully end this franchise. Recensie
This film is hilarious and doesn’t take itself too seriously. When it does have something to say, which is often does, it’s satire hits with sledgehammer damage. Recensie
This is genuinely a very funny tween comedy. There’s a lot to like from the narrative standpoint, Stacy and Lydia’s relationship feels authentic and they feel like actual friends. Recensie
Thanks and praise should be poured on to Nicola Rose for the job she does here. She takes this simple premise, simple set up and guides it with such a steady hand. Recensie
Hilary Swank is a two-time Oscar winner and you know what…she’s fine here. Miles Joris-Peyrafitte is out here directing the hell out of this. I think the flaws here are with the script and likability of the characters which, of course, is a narrative issue. Recensie
This is a helluva good time. Xolo Maridueña IS Jaime Reyes. He’s wonderfully cast. My favorite part of this film though is the framing. This is a film about family. Recensie
When you look at this it’s pretty clear that this was a comedy relying on the shock factor of it’s premise. By and large this sorta works. Recensie
There isn’t much here that grabs you. It wants to be for everyone and never quite gets to being for anyone. Recensie
This film flies by the seat of it’s pants the entire time. What a thrilling piece this is. Recensie
Michael Cera’s excellent here. Even if I didn’t find the material to be all that great. Where the script shines is when all three siblings are on screen together. Recensie
Talk about a borefest. At no point in this meandering mess was I captured by what was going on. Recensie
Such an interesting and fun film. A comedy that’s equal parts real and funny. The characters that are here are so very relatable. Recensie
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