Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
A fun story, a unique style and a genuinely fantastic overall package makes the Turtles return to the big screen a more than welcome one. Recensie
The story a (mostly) true one, the characters too insane to be made up and the craze, one that gripped the nation. But where this film lacks is in how thin those characters are presented and how overstuffed the entire thing comes across. Recensie
This movie is very funny in most regards but there are times when it is altogether grating. Recensie
This is a charming and endearing little film. Gordon (who always seems to bring it), Lieberman and Galvin bring a script that is equal parts funny and heartfelt. Recensie
This is comedy gold. From start to finish this is an absolutely hilarious film. Not only is the chemistry between our leading ladies infectious we as an audience are treated to some truly funny moments. Recensie
A simply incredible picture. Emotionally moving and sweepingly romantic there’s so much here to love. Recensie
This isn’t anything exciting or new in the animation genre and coming out this year was a death knell for it considering the caliber of animated film we’ve seen this year. Recensie
This film had so much going for it. Sophie Wilde is incredible and she’s doing her very best but the Philippou Brothers are obvious first time directors. They ruin and let the tension of the film simply die on the vine. Recensie
So much fun and such a funny story. It felt class fairy tale told in an nontraditional way. Recensie
This is what you think it is. Tom Cruise does crazy stuff. Someone does some spy stuff and a MacGuffin is sought after and may or may not hold the key to our imminent destruction. Recensie
Between the interesting concept and the well done exploration of trauma there are some really great moments in this. Recensie
A showstopping performance from it’s lead and only on-screen character propels this. Recensie
There’s a lot to like here insofar as the cast goes. They are all really trying to make this weird, not so great script work. Recensie
This films biggest problem is that is unnecessarily long. There are times when this film just feels like it is completely off the rails. Recensie
Jennifer Lawrence is ridiculously funny. There are scenarios, sight-gags and jokes here that had me genuinely laughing my butt off. Recensie
Too pretty a film for me to completely hate it. This thing is a mess. Confusing storytelling, mixed with a massive missed opportunity to make something digestible, and less frustrating. Recensie
A stunning and staggering story that is too ridiculous to be real. But it is. Recensie
This is a beautiful film gorgeously animated and put together by people who clearly care about whats being put out. Recensie
Far from perfect it is exactly what it needs to be. A funny, Blackcentric comedy that plays up the “Black guy dies first in a horror movie” trope. Recensie
What I liked the most about this film and was the case with the first is that the action is not constantly cut to and from. We get to sizzle in it. Recensie
As a biopic it suffers from knowing the real story and how it may very well not be true. Recensie
A perfectly sufficient piece. If you like horror and want the mild salsa instead of the hot this’ll do that. Recensie
There’s a whole movie here and at 184 minutes long there had better be. But there isn’t enough love or time put into the making of this for it to figure itself out. Recensie
This might be the best of the films in this franchise. Director Steven Caple Jr. does a great job of reigning in what is sometimes an unhinged and crazy franchise. Recensie
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