Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1098 / 1098
This is one of the most beautiful looking films alongside it absolutely nailing the first decade of the twentieth century. Recensie
Clooney and Roberts are as charming as ever. There banter here is quite the key to the success of the film. Again, as I’ve said about a lot of similar projects this year there’s nothing special here. Recensie
Run of the mill it does offer a unique spin on the standard Romeo and Juliet situation. Kaitlyn Dever will continue to be funny and charming and otherwise excellent. Recensie
Quite a surprising film led by a surprisingly good performance from Mila Kunis. Recensie
This is exactly what it should be. A fun, funny period piece that at some points has you rooting for the character and for the outcomes you want. Recensie
Ham-fisted and not worth your time. This is perhaps, the biggest disappointment of the year. So much potential squandered. Recensie
Doing well to fix the biggest problem in writing a time-travel film doesn’t mean the film fixed anything else. Recensie
A gorgeous, technicolor fantasy that lives up to it’s subject. Recensie
This is a deliciously twisted and turny little plot here. Drea and Eleanor are great characters and Mendes and Hawke bring them brilliantly to life. Recensie
Featuring a lovely, and simple story this is one romantic comedy that fans of the genre (like myself) shouldn’t miss. Recensie
The reality here is Riley Dandy’s charisma as Sofia is the only thing worth staying for. Recensie
Idris Elba is pretty damn good here. Sharlto Copley was nice to see, I’ve missed him in films. Some of the CGI usage on the live animals is questionable but not enough to take you out of the movie going experience. Recensie
This doesn’t work outside of entertaining a short attention span while you try to make dino nuggies in between nap time. Recensie
Come for The Predator…stay for the thrills, blood spills and incredible individual camerawork here. Recensie
This was a bit of a surprise for me and one that had me really surprised and thankful to have been through the experience of this pretty good comedy. Novak is gold from a writing standpoint and I’d love to watch more stuff he’s written down put on my screen. Recensie
This is a film working against it’s best intentions. Such a slog to get through I wanted to check my watch several times throughout. Recensie
The elements were here. Sadly the direction lets down the middle of the road material that’s elevated by very fun performances from the films leads. Recensie
A sadly disappointing rendition for the Austen fans out there and one that won’t hold a candle to the modern versions of Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice. Recensie
Lesley Manville is infinitely charming as Mrs. Harris. It fires on all cylinders when it comes to the script it’s funny when it needs to be, it hits you emotional at just the correct moments to be effective. Recensie
What I got was an utterly disappointing animated feature. One I can’t even call run of the mill because it’s so bad. It’s not well animated and it’s quite bland to look at. Recensie
It’s a coming of age tale told from a unique and rather interesting perspective. One that isn’t often seen much. It’s well acted and well directed. Recensie
It hits more than it misses so for that I can happily recommend this unique cinematic experience. Recensie
It had me crying, laughing, it left me happy but also emotional. It does everything a film should do for an audience. Recensie
The script is a jumbled, cliche-riddled mess, Song and O’Connell have no chemistry and the whole thing would be a lot more interesting if it was just a painted wall drying for a thankfully short 85 minutes. Recensie
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