Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1087 / 1087
What a thoroughly enthralling documentary. Recensie
Our three lead performances are strong but Nia Long steals some of the scenes away from all the boys. Structurally I enjoyed how the film was put together. It’s a relatively harmless piece in that respect. Recensie
What a catastrophic blunder. Vin Diesel is mailing it in hardcore and the script is an exercise in settling for genre tropes. Recensie
It’s a weird and fun little parody of many things while simultaneously having a message about things that are problematic in any society. It does an amazing job of balancing all this while being really funny. Recensie
It’s a crazy, fun time. There really isn’t much else that I can say! Even with the plot, I can’t think of a reason you shouldn’t try to check this out. Recensie
It seems like at this point Wahlberg is sort of phoning it in. Recensie
Justice Smith and Elle Fanning have a spark but for me, it doesn’t fully work. Recensie
The entirety of this film is a mess. Structurally it held together by quicksand. Anne Hathway looks confused by this. By the entire film, by its script. Everything. Recensie
Affleck is killing it here. He hasn’t done work like this since Argo. Recensie
I love this movie! I loved Rachael Harris’ performance. Rob Huebel plays a much more low-key version of what we normally get from him and it ABSOLUTELY works. Recensie
Linklater and Ricci have some nice chemistry which, in this sense, is of the utmost importance. Some of the plot moments are cringe. Recensie
This film might be a good film for stoners to watch because I can’t imagine anyone with a taste in good movies actually liking this when they are sober. Recensie
If you want to see what wasted talent looks like on-screen this is a film that solidifies it. Recensie
This is a film that attempts to showcase the ups and downs of finding love. Had the storyline and characters been developed more, this film could have had potential. However, this film didn’t quite do anything for me personally. Recensie
It’s beautifully shot, the chemistry between the leads in dynamic and it all tends to come together rather nicely. Recensie
It’s a sort of okay movie. One that struggles for its laughs and sometimes has to reach too far in. Recensie
Zoey Deutch continues to impress even when the material isn’t at its peak. Recensie
An interesting look into a strange man looking and hoping to find love. Whether he finds it you’ll have to watch to see. Whether you want to stick around will be completely up to you and how you’re feeling throughout. Recensie
A fun and relatable film which I believe anyone would enjoy watching regardless of their age or gender. It’s funny, adventurous, and in my opinion, a movie for almost everyone! Recensie
This film is a very good film to take your kids to, however, not the best film ever made. I still enjoyed the film but seeing it once in the theatre was enough for me. Recensie
So this is actually quite boring. Ken Walker isn’t the most interesting central figure I’ve ever watched in a documentary and that honestly lets the entire thing down. Recensie
This film was a complete and utter surprise. I loved the relationship between the two main characters. Recensie
Man it’s such an easy watch. It never makes you feel bad or dumb even if it isn’t the pinnacle of cinema. Recensie
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